Clutches, totes, utility bags, our newest collection, discount, everything that happens in the OoMA world... we're gonna post it all here, and let you be the first one to know (mmm.. at least you who visit this blog).
This is how it works... if you've got an eye for something in this blog (aka. if you want to buy the product... hehe), you could e-mail me at objectsofmyaffections@gmail.com, or you could tell me using the comment section in this blog. Aand, we also do custom made product, in case you want another color or material to go with the product you choose.
Well, guess that's it for my opening yapyap, thank you so much for dropping by, enjoy your visit, and hopefully, you do find the object of your affection... here.
Lots of love
* Untuk memesan barang, dapat dengan mengirimkan e-mail ke objectsofmyaffections@gmail.com atau lewat kolom comment di blog ini.
Kami juga menerima pesanan 'custom made', apabila anda ingin menggunakan warna atau bahan lain.
Terima kasih banyak sebelumnyaaa!