(click to enlarge)
Color :
- Off-White (SMC-Mk)
- Light Brown (SMC-Cm)
- Grey (SMC-Sm)
- Black (SMC-L)
Dimension : L=37cm; H=32cm; W=10cm
Price : Rp. 350.000,-
How to Purchase :
- E-mail us at objectsofmyaffections@gmail.com
- or, call us at 021-33061431
- or, go to our store at Gria Astika, Jl. Lamandau IV no.18, Jakarta Selatan (near Burger Blenger and Pasar Burung Barito)
To see our other collections, click on the 'Archives' or 'Previous Posts' link on the right side of the screen.
.. Untuk melihat koleksi kami yang lain mohon klik 'Archives' atau 'Previous Posts' yang terletak pada sisi kanan layar ini.